HC Deb 28 July 1874 vol 221 c873

said, the Chancellor of the Exchequer had on the previous day intimated that it was the intention of the Government that the money to be voted in aid of pauper lunatics in asylums in Scotland should be divided according to the same rule as in England. There was very great diversity between the practice of the medical authorities in Scotland and in England with respect to the treatment of lunatics. As it was estimated that £46,000 should be voted in aid of the maintenance of insane paupers, it was very desirable that the money should be distributed in a satisfactory manner. He hoped that when the Vote was brought "forward the Chancellor of the Exchequer would mate a more explicit and definite statement than was made by him on the previous day.


wished to remark that he believed the people of Scotland were anxious that the system now in operation with regard to pauper lunatics in that country should be maintained.


said, that on the previous day the Chancellor of the Exchequer said he would consider the matter very carefully, and intimated that he would make some concession in the direction which had been pointed to. He regretted that his right hon. Friend was not then in his place; but he had no doubt that the matter would receive the fullest consideration from him.


expressed a hope that the system of treating pauper lunatics which was being carried out in Scotland would not be interfered with.

Resolutions agreed to.