HC Deb 23 July 1874 vol 221 c549

Order for Committee read.


, in moving that the Order for the re-committal of the Bill be read and discharged, said, the Bill had not only received very full discussion and evidence in the Select Committee, but also had incurred alterations incapable of re-arrangement at that late period of the Session, and such as if left untouched would make the Bill cease to answer either its home or international purpose. Besides that, the Report of the Royal Commission on Unseaworthy Ships, just out, suggested further legislation on the subject, especially on the treatment of cargoes on deck. It would be most undesirable to add two Acts to the existing number on Merchant Shipping, when one might more perfectly deal with the subject, and he proposed to introduce one with this view next Session. The time of the Select Committee had not been wasted, but most usefully employed in elucidating the requisite legislation, and in illustrating the difficulties of making any system of deductions from gross tonnage permanently or generally equitable or satisfactory; and the international interests involved would be benefited by the interval given for more completely maturing a commercial system which might, and probably would, be adopted by all maritime nations.

Motion agreed to.

Order discharged.

Bill withdrawn.