HC Deb 22 July 1874 vol 221 c488

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If his attention has been called to another explosion that took place on the 18th in a mine near Wigan; and, whether it is the intention of the Government to order that a full inquiry be made to ascertain the real cause of that explosion?


, in reply, said, that his attention had been called to the explosion referred to, and that the Inspector of the district had, as usual, immediately made a Report to him, in which he stated that, owing to the shortness of the time which had elapsed since it had occurred, he was unable thoroughly to examine the mine, because the remnants of the accident had not been cleared away. He was afraid the deaths caused by it amounted to nearly 15, and as soon as the mine was in a fit condition to admit of further inquiry, the Inspector would proceed with his examination and would send in a fuller Report. As soon as that Report was received it would be for the Government to consider whether any special action should be taken upon it. In any case the matter would not be lost sight of.

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