HC Deb 20 July 1874 vol 221 cc380-2

Order for Committee read.

(In the Committee.)


, in moving "That the Chairman do report Progress," said, that no explanation had been given as to the effect of the Bill, and he had received representations to the effect that it would altogether alter the system under which Foyle College, in Deny, had been governed.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Chairman report Progress, and ask leave to sit again."—(Mr. Butt.)


said, the Bill was rendered necessary by the Irish Church Act, since the passing of which it was doubtful whether the Bishop of Derry could exercise patronage, in regard to the head mastership of the school at Derry, which he undoubtedly could before that time. The present Bishop was willing to give up his doubtful right; and after consultation with the representatives of all parties interested, a Governing Body had been decided upon, and that was the alteration to which the Bill was intended to give legal effect. There was no opposition, for all parties concerned fully approved of the scheme.


observed that the fact of proceeding with the Bill at half-past I o'clock in the morning, when very few hon. Members knew anything whatever about it, illustrated the inconvenience under which Irish Members laboured in dealing with important measures affecting Ireland.


said, a great portion of the revenue of the College was contributed voluntarily by the Irish Society of London, which was in favour of the Bill. He could not understand what objection could be urged against the proposed Governing Body.


said, that the object of the measure was to throw open what had hitherto been a Church College to members of all religious denominations by re-organizing it on a broad and liberal basis.


hoped the Committee would proceed with the discussion of the clauses.


said, he must decline to discuss the provisions of the Bill. All he wanted was, that the right hon. Baronet the Chief Secretary for Ireland should give the inhabitants of the North of that country some opportunity of considering the subject.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.

Bill reported, with Amendments; as amended, to be considered upon Tuesday 28th July.