HC Deb 07 August 1874 vol 221 c1421

asked the Secretary of State for War, If he received any report from the medical or other officers of the Kilmainham Hospital, Dublin, respecting the recent outbreak of typhoid fever in that institution, and its supposed origin; and, if not, will he cause an inquiry to be instituted, and a report to be made, as to the number of cases of typhoid fever that occurred in the hospital this year, the class of residences in which they occurred, the opinion of the medical officer, Dr. Carte, and of the medical gentlemen who were consulted as to the immediate cause of the outbreak, and place such report upon the Table of this House for the information of the sanitary authorities of the Kingdom?


, in reply, said, the Reports relating to the Hospital were not laid before the War Office, but before the Commanding Officer in Ireland. A communication would be made on the subject to the Commanding Officer, who, he had no doubt, would furnish the desired information, and he anticipated there would be no objection to laying the particulars before Parliament.