HC Deb 04 August 1874 vol 221 c1259

asked the Secretary of State for "War, If he will state to the House the names of the places in which "Military Depôt Centres" have been established, and if it is intended to carry out in its entirety the Localisation Scheme indicated in the programme of Viscount Cardwell; and, if the existing "Depôt Centres" furnish recruits adequate to the requirements of the regiments located therein for Home and Foreign Service?


in reply, said, that the localization scheme sanctioned by Parliament was being carried out, but he need not trouble the House with a number of names of places where steps had been taken at once to carry it into effect. There were 30 already established out of 70, and proceedings were still going on with regard to the rest. Of those which had been established four were not in their proper places; but where they had been established, he understood they were working satisfactorily. If the hon. Member wished to move for the names of the places, he was perfectly welcome to have them.