HC Deb 03 August 1874 vol 221 c1152

In reply to Sir HENRY JAMES and Mr. ROEBUCK,


said, that when the Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873) Suspension Bill got into Committee, he would explain the course which the Government intended to take with regard to it. With reference to the Bills of Sale Amendment Bill and the County Courts Bill, which stood upon the Paper for a second reading, he might explain that those were measures which had been introduced by the Lord Chancellor, in consequence of numerous representations made to him from different parts of the country. They had, however, arrived at a period of the Session when it would be impossible to proceed with them, the more especially as they could not be taken after half-past 12, in consequence of Notices for their rejection having been placed upon the Paper. He should in consequence, when these Bills were reached, move that the Orders be discharged, and that the Bills be withdrawn.