HC Deb 16 April 1874 vol 218 c630

asked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether it is true that an Officer of the Royal Navy has been or is about to be appointed Inspector of Her Majesty's Ships on the Indian Station; and, if so, whether his salary, said to be 3,000 rupees per month, will be paid by the Indian Government; whether his duties will be such as could not be discharged by the ordinary establishment of Naval Officers on the Station; and, whether the Officer in question has had any special training or experience to fit him for the discharge of such duties?


, in reply, said, that, with the sanction of the Admiralty, Captain Bythesea, an officer of experience and scientific attainments, had been appointed Consulting Naval Officer to the Marino Department of the Indian Government. His salary would be 2,500 rupees per month, and an allowance of 250 rupees would be made to him for a house, which would be paid out of the Indian revenues. He was appointed for five years. The duties, it seemed, were not such as could be properly discharged by any officer in the ordinary service.