§ MR. HERONasked the Postmaster General, Whether there is any probability of a telegraph station being established at Recess, county Galway, in consequence of the number of English and Scotch gentlemen residing in the neighbourhood for the salmon fishing during the angling season, to whom the want of a telegraph station is the very greatest inconvenience, and as no great expense will be incurred, because the telegraph wire between Galway and Clifden is on the road beside the Post Office at Recess?
§ MR. MONSELLin reply, said, that the extension of telegraphic communication in Galway would cost very much more than by his Question his hon. and learned Friend seemed to suppose. But were the cost little or much, he was sorry to say that the Post Office had no funds at its disposal granted by Parliament for such purpose. He could not, therefore, hold out any hope to his hon. and learned Friend on the subject of the extension he referred to.