HC Deb 12 May 1873 vol 215 c1787

asked the Tinder Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether the present Staff at each of Her Majesty's Embassies and Legations is sufficient for the duties that have to be performed; and, whether any application has been made during the last twelve months for an increase in the number of the Staff by any of Her Majesty's Ambassadors or Ministers abroad.


Sir, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has no reason to suppose that, although in some Missions the number of secretaries and attachés is for a time below the ordinary establishment, there are not sufficient present to carry on the necessary duties with perhaps a little increased demand for their time and attention. Applications have from time to time been received to supply vacancies, but Her Majesty's Missions abroad, like the home establishment of the Foreign Office, are liable occasionally to have a reduced number of gentlemen at work in consequence of absence on account of ill-health, the ordinary periods of leave, and change of post.