HC Deb 06 May 1873 vol 215 c1558

asked the Postmaster General, Whether a complete Account of the Capital Expenditure on Telegraphs from the date of their acquisition by the Government has been laid before the Treasury, in accordance with a statement made by Mr. Scudamore on the 5th March last before the Committee of Public Accounts, that The Account of the Capital Expenditure is now made up to the 30th November last; the Account for December and January is in active preparation; and I can undertake to promise that, before the end of April, a complete Account, with full explanations of everything that has been clone with regard to capital outlay, shall be in the hands of the Treasury?


Sir, the account up to the 31st December was rendered to the Treasury on the 29th March., The capital account, so far as construction is concerned, was closed on the 31st March, and the account from January 1 to March 31 will be ready in about five weeks from this time.