HC Deb 05 May 1873 vol 215 cc1482-3

SELECT COMMITTEE—Juries (Ireland), Mr. M'Mahon discharged, Mr. Henry Herbert added.

SUPPLY—Resolutions [May 2] reported.

PUBLIC BILLS—Resolution in Comatittee—Ordered—First Reading—Customs Duties (Isle of Man)* [151].

Ordered—First Reading—Rating (Liability and Value) [146]; Valuation [147]; Consolidated Rate* [148]; Peace Preservation (Ireland) * [145]; Gas and Water Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 2)* [149].

First Reading—Law Agents (Scotland)* [150].

Second Reading— General Valuation (Ireland) [64]; Superannuation Act Amendment* [135]; Entailed and Settled Estates (Scotland) [130]; Customs and Inland Revenue* [144]; Crown Lands* [140]; County Authorities (Loans)* [134].

CommitteeMarried Women's Property Act (1870) Amendment* [7]—R.P.

Committee—Report—University Tests (Dublin) (No. 3)* [124]; Oyster and Mussel Fisheries Order Confirmation* [131]; Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation* [132]; Vagrants Law Amendment (re-comm.)* [143].

Considered as amended—Fairs* [133]; Agricultural Children* [8].