§ MR. H. SAMUELSONasked the Secretary of State for War, Whether the Commander-in-Chief has sanctioned the formation at the Horseguards of a species of club or society for the practice of Kriegspiel, from which officers of the Auxiliary Forces are excluded; and, if that be true, whether he will state to the House the reasons of this exclusion, and whether it is intended to be permanent?
§ MR. CARDWELL,in reply, said that permission has been given to use the room at the Horseguards for the practice of the Prussian military game of Kriegspiel, and there is no exclusion of the officers of the auxiliary forces. The plan originated with officers of the Regular Army, of whom the number composing the present party principally consists. There are, however, two officers of the Auxiliary Forces who have taken part in the practice from the first, but the attendance at the present time is so large that the room will not afford accommodation for more. The present party only use the room once a-week, and it is open to a second party to apply for its use on other days. I am happy to say that several similar associations have been formed in other places, as Aldershot, Devonport, and Chatham.