HC Deb 06 March 1873 vol 214 cc1396-7

asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether he intends to propose new Clauses in Committee on the Railway and Canal Traffic Bill, to give powers to the Commissioners proposed to be established thereby to enforce the Reports of Railway Inspectors of the Board of Trade, and also to compel the placing of lights in all Railway carriages on all lines with tunnels, both by day and night?


in reply, said, that he had no intention of proposing any such clauses. The fact was that the Bill was a Traffic Bill in the proper sense of the word, founded upon the Report of the Joint Committee of last year. The powers which the Board of Trade now possessed with respect to providing for the safety and comfort of passengers, were not to be transferred to the Commissioners by the Bill, and he did not propose that there should be any legislation upon the subject of the safety and comfort of passengers by this Bill. As he had already said, the measure was founded upon the Report of the Committee, and it never was the intention of the Joint Committee of last year or of the Government to make this present Bill other than a Traffic Bill.