HC Deb 04 March 1873 vol 214 c1284

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he proposes to introduce a measure this Session for providing superannuation allowances for the police forces throughout the kingdom?


in reply, said, he was bound to admit that the state of the superannuation allowance to the police force in England, and still more in Scotland, was by no means satisfactory, and he much wished that he could have dealt with the subject during the present Session. The hon. Baronet would, however, see that, considering the position of the question of local taxation of which a large part went to the maintenance of the police force, there was but little chance of carrying a measure dealing with this matter on its own merits. Under those circumstances, he could hold out no hope at present of the introduction of a measure such as that indicated by the hon. Baronet for England and Scotland. With regard to the metropolis, however, the question was different, and he had now a plan under consideration which he hoped he should be able to bring into use before long.