§ MR. HAMBRO,who had a Notice on the Paper to the following effect;— 1185
To ask the President of the Board of Trade, Whether he will institute an official inquiry into the loss of the steamship "Peru," which foundered in the Bay of Biscay last December?and another as follows:—To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether it is a fact that fifteen seamen belonging to the late steamship "Peru" are now undergoing in Dorchester Castle a sentence of twelve weeks' imprisonment with hard labour for refusing to go to sea in that ship; whether it is a fact that that ship foundered at sea two days after leaving Portland Harbour; and, if the facts are as alleged, he will promptly-take the proper means for relieving these men from any further punishment in consequence of the sentence inflicted on themsaid, that in consequence of certain communications he had received from his right hon. Friends, he should defer putting his Questions.
§ MR. CHICHESTER FORTESCUEsaid, that he might take that opportunity of stating that the Peru was not a steamship, and that she had not foundered at sea, but had run ashore. The whole of the crew on board had been saved. He had ordered an inquiry to be made into the matter.
MR. BRUCEsaid, that he had received a letter from the owners of the vessel, giving a very full account of the whole matter. He had communicated with the magistrates who had tried the sailors, and until he received an answer from them he could not state what course the Government would take with regard to the prisoners.