§ MR. BAILLIE COCHRANEasked the noble Lord the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether the Foreign Office intended to do anything for the widow of the late Mr. Abbott, Consul General at Odessa? Mr. Abbott, who had been 32 years in the Consular service—27 in Persia and five in Odessa—had left his widow with nine children, totally unprovided for. As Mr. Abbott's 1561 health had been destroyed by his long residence in the East, he trusted that the case of the widow and orphan children would be made an exceptional one.
§ VISCOUNT ENFIELDI am afraid, Sir, that the only answer I can give to my hon. Friend is, that there is no provision made in the Estimates whereby the Secretary of State could out of public funds give pensions to the widows and children of Consular Officers.