HC Deb 17 June 1873 vol 216 c1062

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, If he will be good enough to state whether holidays will be granted to all Writers; whether sick leave under special circumstances and medical certificate will be granted to all Writers; whether special rates of pay will be paid to Writers for special work; and whether, when Writers are ordered away on duties, a suitable allowance will be made to them for their travelling expenses?


in reply, said, he was happy to be able to answer all the hon. Member's Questions in the affirmative. Several of these things had been done already, and the others they were willing to concede. He would add, however, that these matters were not strictly in the hands of the Treasury, but of the different Departments. If in any case the writers felt they did not get that to which they were fairly entitled and applied to the Treasury, he would endeavour to set matters right.