HC Deb 28 July 1873 vol 217 cc1086-7

asked the Vice President of the Privy Council, Whether Mr. Hullah's Report on his examination in Music of the Students in Training Schools, for 1872, has not been in print since February last; and if he will inform the House why it has not been circulated among Members; and, whether Mr. Mullah will not commence his examination for this year in the ensuing month; and, if so, if the General Annual Report is not immediately to be circulated, the Vice President of the Council will provide that the separate Report of Mr. Hullah be immediately circulated, so as to enable those who are interested in the cause of popular music to make such representations to the Educational Department as may appear important?


in reply, said, he hoped that it would be possible in the ensuing year to make arrangements for circulating the General Report, including the examinations of the students in training schools earlier than was possible this year. He did not think, however, that Mr. Hullah's Report on his examination in music could be issued separately. The fact of that Report having been in print since February last was no reason why the Department should publish it earlier than the other Reports, or that any different rule should be made in regard to it than obtained with other Reports.