HC Deb 16 July 1873 vol 217 c463

Order for Second Reading, read.


said, that he had to ask for the indulgence of the House in allowing him to withdraw the Bill. If an excuse were required, his answer would be that he had had an honest intention to have the question fully discussed; but since he introduced the Bill, the Government had passed another measure, which had reduced his own to a state of coma. He begged to move that the Order be discharged.

On Question, That the said Order be discharged.


thought that the hon. Member ought to have given Notice to the Clerk at the Table, that the Bill would not be gone on with that day. It was quite time that something should be clone to put a stop to the practice which was springing up.


remarked that when it was intended to withdraw a Bill public Notice to that effect should be given instead of following the irregular practice of going to the Clerk at the Table and getting the Order set aside without the knowledge of the House.


remarked that it would have been easy for the hon. Gentleman last evening at 10 minutes to 7 to have withdrawn the Bill with the permission of the House.


said, what his hon. Friend ought to have done was to have given Notice that he would that day move that the Order be discharged.


said, he was in the House yesterday until the last moment, and had no opportunity whatever of giving Notice that he intended to move that the Order be discharged.

Question, put, and agreed to.

Order discharged:—Bill withdrawn.