§ Order for Second Reading read.
§ MR. W. FOWLER,who was in charge of the Bill, said, he wished to make an explanation. He felt so much the importance of the Bill (the Landlord and Tenant Bill) which stood second on the Paper, which had been so largely discussed in almost every agricultural district in the kingdom, and to which so much importance was attached by the tenant-farmers and by many of the landlords of England, that he thought a full opportunity should be given for the discussion of it, and as the principle of the measure which stood in his name had been twice discussed in the present Parliament, he thought he should be doing his duty in waiving his right to ask that his measure should be read a second time, in order that the Landlord and Tenant Bill might be brought forward for discussion. Since he had given Notice of his intention to waive his right, he was much surprised to hear that there was a disinclination to submit the Landlord and Tenant Bill to the discussion of the House. He very much regretted that the illness of the author of the Landlord and Tenant Bill (Mr. James Howard) should prevent the discussion of a subject which was of the highest importance; but after the Notice he had given, the only thing that he could do was to move that the Order for the Second Reading of the Real Estates Settlements Bill be discharged.
§ Moved, "That the Order for the Second Reading of the Bill be discharged."—(Mr. William Fowler).
§ Motion agreed to.
§ Order discharged; Bill withdrawn.