HC Deb 05 August 1873 vol 217 c1560

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If his attention has been called to a statement made before the Assistant Judge at the Middlesex Sessions to the effect, that a person summoned to attend as a Grand Juryman had, on stating that it was inconvenient to attend, received a reply at the office of the summoning officer, "I suppose you are a gentleman;" also an intimation that two guineas was the fee to exonerate from serving on juries?


in reply, said, he had communicated with the Assistant Judge on the subject of the hon. Gentleman's Question, and he had informed him that there was sufficient primâ facie evidence of the correctness of that statement to warrant him in instituting inquiries. Accordingly, he had instructed the county solicitor to investigate the circumstances of the case, and to take such steps as might be desirable to punish the offender.