HC Deb 07 April 1873 vol 215 c644

Sir, with reference to a Question which I have placed upon the Paper, I wish to make an explanation. By the 12th clause of the Landlord and Tenant Bill which is to be introduced by the hon. Member for South Norfolk (Mr. Clare Read) any contract made by a tenant with his landlord after the passing of this Act, by virtue of which he may be deprived of any right or any claim which otherwise he might be entitled to make under this Act, shall, as far as it relates to such a claim, be void, both at Law and in Equity. It is currently reported that a great portion of the Conservative party, with the Leader of that party, have agreed either to oppose or not to oppose the second reading of the Bill in a certain event. There are two statements—one, that a determination unconditionally to oppose it has been resolved on, and another, that an understanding has been come to to withdraw the 12th clause.


said, that the noble Lord was entitled to say anything with a view to make his Question clear; but the statement he was now making was not necessary for that purpose.


My Question, Whether there is any understanding between the hon. Member for South Norfolk and any Members of the House that the Clause in the Landlord and Tenant Bill, which prohibits freedom of contract between landlord and tenant, is to be withdrawn?


I hope, Sir, to have the opportunity, by leave of the House, of stating my opinions of this Bill, and expatiating upon its merits, when it comes on for a second reading. I venture to think that this is rather an unusual Question for one Member to put to another. If it is any gratification to the noble Lord, I may say I know of no understanding between myself and any Member of this House in reference to any clauses of the Bill; but if there was an understanding I fear it would not disarm the hostility of the noble Lord, who was good enough to move the rejection of this Bill before it was printed.