HC Deb 31 May 1872 vol 211 cc910-1

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether, before going into Committee on the Education (Scotland) Bill, he will place on the Notice Paper Amendments for giving effect to the Resolution of the House of Commons of the 7th May in reference to that Bill?


said, in reply, that the Government had no intention of placing any such Amendments upon the Paper, for the simple reason that they did not propose to take any step calculated to give effect to the Resolution. The Government thought that the Amendment given Notice of by the hon. and learned Member for the University of Glasgow (Mr. Gordon) sufficiently embraced the spirit of the Resolution, and would afford the House an opportunity of re-considering the question in Committee.


asked when the Bill would be proceeded with?


said, that depended upon the course of Business next week. It was necessary that some provision should be made for such portion of the Miscellaneous Estimates as would not be voted that night, and the Government intended asking for a Vote of Credit for four weeks on Monday. After that the Motion would be made that the Speaker leave the Chair, that the House might go into Committee on the Scotch Education Bill. On Monday, also, he proposed moving the ordinary Resolution relating to Morning Sittings, making them subject to the Resolution of 1869, and he proposed the House should sit at two o'clock on Tuesday the 4th of June, and proceed with the Scotch Education Bill.

In reply to Mr. SCOURFIELD,


said, the present intention of the Government was to proceed with the Scotch Education Bill morning and evening until the close of the Committee.