§ MR. W. ORMSBY GOREmoved, that the Select Committee on this subject do consist of 17 Members, with a view to add to the Committee Mr. Agar-Ellis, in the room of Mr. W. H. Gregory, late Member for Galway, now Governor of Ceylon.
§ Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Select Committee on the Law of Eating (Ireland) do consist of Seventeen Members."—(Mr. William Ormsby Gore.)
THE MARQUESS OF HARTINGTONprotested against the Motion, as calculated to bring the institution of Committees of that House into disrepute. The Committee in question had already collected all the evidence it intended to take, and had now only to agree to its Report.
§ Question put.
§ The House divided:—Ayes 7; Noes 29: Majority 22.
LORD CLAUD HAMILTONsaid, that after that extraordinary proceeding, he should decline to serve any more on the Committee.