HC Deb 04 March 1872 vol 209 c1327

said, he had given Notice of his intention to move an Amendment on the Order of the Day for Supply, and he wished to know from the Speaker, whether a Resolution which the House had since adopted would prevent his bringing forward that Amendment?


said, the Amendment given Notice of by the hon. Baronet would at any time have been irregular, because it referred specifically to a Vote in Committee of Supply, and the proper occasion for the consideration of that Vote would be when it was proposed in Committee. There was, however, another reason why the Amendment could not be moved on the present occasion; for, in consequence of the Resolution which the House agreed to on Monday last, he should feel bound, in compliance with that Resolution, as the Army Estimates had already been considered in Committee of Supply, to leave the Chair as soon as the Order of the Day for the Committee of Supply was read.