§ MR. VANCEasked Mr. Attorney General for Ireland, Whether he has obtained any further information respecting the suspension of the Reverend Patrick Walsh, who gave evidence in the Galway Election Inquiry from sacerdotal duties by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Tuam on Sunday the 30th of June, the letter which was read to the House contradicting the statement having been dated on the 25th of June?
§ THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR IRELAND (Mr. DOWSE), in reply, said, the letter he had read to the House bore the date mentioned in the Question. It certainly referred to the subject-matter of the Question, upon which he gave the hon. Gentleman all the information in his power; but he was not aware of the date of the letter or of the alleged suspension as far as they had reference to each other. He had since made fresh inquiries; but was sorry to say he had not obtained much information on the subject. He had caused a telegram to be sent to Ireland that day, and the reply to it was as follows:—
We have no means of knowing whether Mr. Walsh has been suspended, and we have received no report on the subject.