§ PUBLIC BILLS—Resolution in Committee—Ordered—Pensions Commutation Act (1871) [Telegraph Officers]*.
§ First Reading—Public Schools Act (1868) Amendment* [271].
§ Second Reading—Capital Punishment Abolition [32], put off; Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Supplemental (No. 3)* [265]; Countess of Mayo's Annuity* [268].
§ Select Committee—Local Courts of Record* [259], nominated.
§ Committee—Report—Debtors (Ireland)* [228]; Bankruptcy (Ireland) Amendment* [227].
§ Considered as amended—General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Supplemental* [238].
§ Third Reading—Local Government Board (Ireland)* [90]; Wild Birds Protection* [247], and passed.
§ Withdrawn—Local Taxation Accounts* [220]; Agricultural Children* [104]; Tribunals of Commerce* [206]; Poor Law (Scotland) (re-comm.)* [179].