HC Deb 23 July 1872 vol 212 c1625

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether the Lords' Amendments on the Education (Scotland) Bill, appointed to be considered upon Thursday next, will be placed upon the Paper as the first Order of the Day; and, if not, after what hour these Amendments will not be taken into consideration upon Thursday; and, whether the Amendments will, in that case, be considered on the morning sitting of Friday?


, in reply, said, it would not be in the power of the Government to proceed with the Lords' Amendments on Thursday as the first Business, because they had engaged to give the House an opportunity of raising a discussion on another subject on that day. He was not aware, however, of any impediment of placing the Bill as the first Order of the Day, but these Amendments would not be taken after 12 o'clock; but any time before that he hoped the House would be prepared to consider them.