MR. GLADSTONEI shall propose that the Order of the Day for the resumption of the adjourned debate on the second reading of the Military Forces Localisation Bill, which is the second for to-night, shall be read, in order to be postponed to Tuesday next at 2 o'clock. I do so in the hope and expectation, which we have been encouraged to form from communications with Members of the House interested in the Public Health Bill, that if we apply ourselves assiduously to the clauses of the Bill, and if hon. Members will allow the dimensions of their speeches to be considerately influenced by a recollection of the period of the year and the general desire felt for an early termination of the Session, we maybe able to close the Committee on the Bill in the course of this evening. In that case we shall desire to proceed on Tuesday with the Military Forces Localisation Bill, which it is our absolute duty to submit to the judgment of the House, as being in our opinion part of the military arrangements of the year, and as having been already in its principle and substance accepted by the House, and concurred in by the arrangements already made.
§ SIR JOHN PAKINGTONIs the House to understand that the Military Forces Localisation Bill will certainly be taken on Tuesday at 2 o'clock, or will that be contingent on the Public Health Bill having passed through Committee?
MR. GLADSTONEI think it is necessary to see what progress we make; but in any case we may give an answer to the question to-morrow.
§ SIR HENRY SELWIN-IBBETSONI wish to put a Question to the Home Secretary. In consequence of the Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing) Bill having been altered from the position of first to that of 18th Order to-night, I wish to ask whether he will state for certain when the Bill will be proceeded with in 1373 Committee? I need hardly remind him that there are many Amendments on the Paper in connection with that Bill which it is important to discuss at a period when they can be fairly discussed.
MR. BRUCEThe Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing) Bill has passed through the other House, which is not the case with either the Public Health Bill or the Military Forces Localisation Bill, and it is only right, therefore, that they should have precedence. The Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing) Bill will be taken on the first disposable day. It would have been taken for Thursday next had there not been a general desire expressed to devote that day to other purposes.
§ SIR HENRY SELWIN-IBBETSONI beg to give Notice that if the Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing) Bill is not proceeded with before the 28th of July, I shall move, on your leaving the Chair, Sir, to go into Committee, "That the subject is one of such importance that it cannot be satisfactorily discussed in Committee at such a late period of the Session."