HC Deb 11 July 1872 vol 212 c957

asked Mr. Attorney General, Whether, considering the Resolution of the 11th March in favour of the appointment of Welsh-speaking Judges to Welsh County Court Circuits, the Goverument will take steps to comply with such Resolution by transferring the present Judge of the Mid Wales County Court to some other Circuit now vacant or hereafter to become vacant and appointing in his place a Judge possessing the qualifications required by that Resolution?


, in reply, said, that it was impossible for the Lord Chancellor to give any pledge on the subject of the qualifications of this or that Judge on the occasion of any given vacancy; and the question of the hon. Member could not be answered until a decision was come to as to the necessary number of County Court Judges. He was anxious to have it in his power to give information on the subject, the more especially as he was informed that this matter had caused greater agitation in Wales than any which had prevailed there since the days of Owen Glendower.