§ Ordered, That the Promoters of any of the Tramways (Metropolis) Bills introduced in this or the last Session and which are now before Parliament shall have leave to suspend any further proceedings thereon, in order to proceed with the same Bill, if they shall think fit, in the next Session of Parliament.
§ Ordered, That the Promoters of any such Bill intending to suspend any further proceedings thereon, may give notice of such their intention in the Private Bill Office, not Inter than the twentieth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two.
§ Ordered, That the money deposited in accordance with the Standing Orders or any Resolution of this House in respect of such Bills shall thereupon be returned to the depositors.
§ Ordered, That the Promoters of each such Bill may on or before the thirty-first day of December next, deposit in the Private Bill Office an Estimate (signed by the person making the same) of the expense of the undertaking under the Bill (or so much thereof as the Promoters may determine to proceed with in the next Session of Parliament), and previously to the fifteenth day of January next deposit a sum not less than four per centum on the amount of such Estimate with the Court of Chancery in England.
§ Ordered, That not later than three clear days after the next meeting of Parliament each Bill, the proceedings whereon shall have been suspended as aforesaid, may be deposited in the Private Bill Office in the form required by the Standing Orders, with a Declaration signed by the agent annexed thereto, stating that the Bill is the same in every respect (except where any of the proposed works with which the Promoters do not intend to proceed in the ensuing Session have been omitted from the Bill) as the Bill with respect to which proceedings have been so suspended at the last stage of its proceeding in the House in the present Session or in the Session of 1871.
§ Ordered, That such Bills, indorsed by one of the Clerks in the Private Bill Office, as having been duly deposited, with such Declaration annexed, may be laid by one of the Clerks of that Office upon the Table of the House in the next Session of Parliament.
§ Ordered, That in respect of every Bill so laid upon the Table, the Petition for the Bill and the Order of leave to bring in the same in the present Session or in the Session of 1871 shall be read, and thereupon such Petition shall be referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, who shall forthwith report to the House whether or not the Promoters have made such deposit with the Court of Chancery in England as aforesaid; and upon the Examiners reporting that such deposit has been made the Bill shall be read a first time and a second time, and referred to a Select Committee or otherwise dealt with as the House shall order.
§ Ordered, That all Petitions presented in the Session of 1871 or in the present Session against any such Bill, and which stood referred to the Committee on such Bill, shall stand referred to the Committee on the same Bill in the next Session of Parliament."—(Mr. Arthur Peel.)