HC Deb 19 February 1872 vol 209 c650

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether it is the intention of the Government to fill up the vacancy caused by the recent death of a County Court Judge until the Report of the Judicature Commission has been made public?


said, he understood that the business of the County Court at Liverpool was very heavy, more heavy than to admit of its being disposed of by one single Judge, there being now two Judges actually engaged upon it. He was not giving a positive opinion on the matter, but only reporting the information he had received from those who were well-acquainted with the subject. He could not say that the office would not be filled up before the Report of the Judicature Commission was made public; but it would not be filled up without consideration as to what other changes might be properly made in those arrangements. The intention was to see whether it was possible to effect some adjustment of districts which might lead to improved arrangements for the transaction of that business. He hoped—although he could not say positively—it would not be necessary that there should be any delay in the matter.