HC Deb 01 August 1872 vol 213 c248

asked the Postmaster General, Whether he has any objection to lay upon the Table of the House, a Copy of all Correspondence within the last three years between the Postal Authorities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London, relating to any complaints as to the administration of the Glasgow Post Office, and of the General Post Office, Edinburgh; and, whether he will state what the objections are?


, in reply, said, there was no correspondence within the last three years between the postal authorities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London relating to complaints as to the administion of the Glasgow Post Office and the General Post Office, Edinburgh. If there was, it would be of a confidential character, and could not be produced. He thought it right to add that the secretary of the Glasgow Post Office was a gentleman in whom he had entire confidence, and he had never heard any complaint against him from any quarter.