§ MR. DILLWYNasked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether Her Majesty's Government have received any account of a recent insurrectionary movement which has taken place at Bilbao; and, whether any steps have been taken by Her Majesty's Government to protect the lives and property of British Subjects in that place?
§ VISCOUNT ENFIELDSir, Mr. Young, Her Majesty's Consul at Bilbao, has reported to Mr. Layard on the subject of the Carlist rising at Bilbao, which he represents to be of insignificant proportions, their operations having been confined to cutting the rails of the Triane Mineral Line, thereby causing some difficulties in loading the ships in port. Mr. Young promises to keep Mr. Layard well informed on the subject, and to suggest any measures he may think necessary for the protection of British interests. In a despatch from the Consul, received at the Foreign Office yesterday, the following remarks are made on the state of the town of Bilbao:—
The town of Bilbao remains tranquil, and although the large number of British vessels in port has made it desirable to recommend to the masters particular caution with respect to the behaviour of their crews, there is nothing, so far as I can judge at present, to render any special measure necessary for the preservation of order and the protection of British property. I think it right to state to your Lordship that all work connected with the mining district is stopped, and that the difficulty and great delay lately experienced in loading the iron ore is for the time insuperable; and shipowners would, therefore, do well to suspend despatching ships to this port, already blocked with vessels waiting for cargoes.