HC Deb 29 April 1872 vol 210 cc1931-2

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether the attention of the Government or the Inspectors of Prisons has been called to the fact that Michael Roche, esquire, who is imprisoned in the gaol of Galway under an order of Mr. Justice Keogh, for alleged contempt of court, has been subjected to the penal discipline of the prison, and whether the opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown has been taken as to the legality of so subjecting him?


said, in reply, that as soon as Notice of his hon. and learned Friend's Question was placed on the Paper he inquired of the Inspectors General of Prisons whether their attention had been directed to the circumstances alleged. He was informed by them that up to that time they had heard nothing of them, but that they proposed to make immediate inquiry into the matter. He might add that he believed the subject was entirely within the jurisdiction of the Board of Superintendents of the Gaol, who would act under the directions of the Inspectors General of Prisons. The opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown had not yet been taken; but he would consult them when he had received the Report of the Inspectors General. He might take this opportunity of saying that he should not oppose the Motion of which his hon. and learned Friend had given Notice, for Copies of an Order made by Mr. Justice Keogh, presiding as Election Judge at the trial of the Petition against the return for the county of Galway, for the committal of Mr. Michael Roche, for alleged contempt of Court, and of the several affidavits used on the hearing of the application for such committal.