§ MR. J. G. TALBOTasked the Postmaster General, Whether he is aware that the Clerks in the Post Office Savings Bank in St. Paul's Churchyard were obliged to attend to business on the 26th December and on Easter Monday last; and whether he considers such requirements to be in accordance with the provisions of the Bank Holidays Act, 1871?
§ MR. MONSELLIt is true, Sir, that on the 26th of December and on Easter Monday last, the clerks in the Post-office Savings Bank, and, indeed, in other departments of the Post Office, attended to business as on other days; and in my opinion they were not exempted from the obligation of so attending by the Bank Holidays Act, 1871, the provisions of which, I am advised, do not apply to Her Majesty's Civil Establishments. At the same time, I have felt that there is something incongruous in the Post Office remaining open when all other establishments in the City are closed, and it is my intention to give directions that for the future the two days named by the hon. Member, as well as Whit Monday, shall, as far as can be done without any inconvenience to the public, be observed as holidays at the General Post Office.