HC Deb 18 May 1871 vol 206 cc963-4

asked the First Minister, Whether he proposes to take a Morning Sitting to - morrow and again next Tuesday and Friday; and, if so, what compensation he will make to independent Members for the time thus forcibly taken from them? He also asked, as, when the House was counted out the other night by an ex-Minister, there were only four Members of the Government present, what step the right hon. Gentleman intends to take to prevent the recurrence of such an event?


, in reply, said, it was intended to propose that the House should meet on Tuesday and Friday mornings next for Public Business. ["Oh, oh!"] Of course, it was a matter for the judgment of the House; but that was the proposal of the Government. As to the occurrence the other night, he was himself in his place and counted one of the number who unfortunately were not sufficient to make a House. He did not think the hon. Member (Mr. Bentinck) was in his place on that occasion. [Mr. BENTINCK said, it was not his business to be.] It might not be the hon. Member's business; but if the Government were under a distinct obligation in regard to Friday evenings, on Tuesday evenings it was not possible for them under all circumstances to undertake to keep a House. Yet, if the hon. Gentleman would use his influence for next Tuesday evening, and would especially attend himself, the Government would do their best to second his efforts.