HC Deb 31 March 1871 vol 205 c1042

Select Committee appointed, "to inquire into the expediency of establishing Tribunals of Commerce, or of otherwise improving the administration of justice in causes relating to commercial disputes in England."—(Mr. Whitwell.)

And, on May 1, Committee nominated as follows:—Mr. AYRTON, Lord FREDERICK CAVENDISH, Mr. NORWOOD, Mr. MORLET, Mr. BIRLEY, Mr. AKROYD, Mr. THOMAS HUGHES, Mr. HICK, Mr. ALEXANDER BROWN, Mr. MELLOR, Mr. SEELY, junior, Mr. HENRY FEILDEN, Mr. MONK, Mr. GOURLEY, and Mr. WHITWELL:—Power to send for persons, papers, and records; Five to be the quorum.