HC Deb 28 March 1871 vol 205 c771

MR. DICKINSON moved an Address for a Return of the Normal Peace Establishment, exclusive of Colonial Corps and Native Indian Troops, contemplated by the Government scheme when after twelve years the Reserves will be full. It was highly important that the House should know what the military strength of the country was expected to be after the transition period contemplated by the Secretary of State for War in his proposals. He hoped that the right hon. Gentleman, if unable to grant the Return in the form he submitted, would impart the requisite information in some other way.


said, it was quite impossible for him to give the hon. Gentleman the Returns for which he asked, because it was obvious that he could not say what it might be the wish of the Crown to ask, or the pleasure of Parliament to vote in the way of a military establishment 12 years hence. He should, however, be willing to give the hon. Member all the information he possessed with regard to the creation of Reserves.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.