HC Deb 29 June 1871 vol 207 cc745-6

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, If Her Majesty's Government is disposed to bring before the United States Government the claims for destruction of British property in acts of War subsequent to the 9th April, 1865, should the Commission be debarred from the consideration of such claims through that date having been fixed as the end of the War, notwithstanding that there were forces in the field, and much destruction of property after that? He should also be glad to know whether an opportunity would be given for the discussion of the Treaty of Washington in this House?


said, he apprehended it would be necessary to await the result of the Mixed Commission before entering upon the question as to the manner in which any claims not coming within its terms, though they might be generically alike, could be dealt with.


, in reply to the second Question of the hon. Member, said he had communicated with his right hon. Friend (Sir Stafford Northcote) with regard to a day for the discussion of the Washington Treaty, and in the course of a few days hoped to give an answer to the inquiry of his hon. Friend.