§ MINUTES.—SELECT COMMITTEE—Twenty-sixth Report—Public Petitions.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—First Reading—Dean Forest and Hundred of St. Briavels* [190]; Sewage Utilisation Supplemental* [186]; Local Government Supplemental (No. 4)* [187]; Industrial and Provident Societies Amendment* [188]; Public Health (Scotland) Supplemental* [189]; Vaccination Act (1867) Amendment* [191].
§ Second Reading—Promissory Oaths* [169].
§ Committee—Army Regulation [39]—R.P.
§ Committee—Report— Ecclesiastical Titles Act Repeal (re-comm.) [164]; Courts of Justice (Additional Site) (re-comm.)* [179]; Oyster and Mussel Fisheries Supplemental (No. 2)* [175]; Local Government Supplemental (No.3)* [178].
§ Third Reading—Corrupt Practices Act Amendment* [152]; Metropolitan Commons Supplemental (No. 2)* [163]; Land Drainage Supplemental* [158]; Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 2)* [127], and passed.
§ Withdrawn—Game Laws Amendment (No. 2)* [71]; Game Laws (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2)* [21]; Game Laws Amendment* [30]; Game Laws and Trespass* [151].