HC Deb 27 July 1871 vol 208 c310

asked the Secretary of State for War, If he would lay upon the Table of the House so much of the Reports of Drs. Gordon and Wyatt in relation to their recent sojourn in Paris, and in connection with the French Army, as will throw light upon the character and treatment of wounds received during the late war and siege, and any successful or defective system of hygiène which the Reports may contain for the guidance or caution of the Military or Civil medical and surgical profession?


I have, Sir, already stated that these Reports are made by medical officers who visit foreign Armies, and are received in a very friendly spirit; they are Reports of no value unless they are minutely critical, and are, of course, of a confidential nature. I have not yet seen these Reports in type, and am not prepared to engage that I will publish any portions of them.