§ SUPPLY—considered in Committee—Resolution [July 14] reported.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—First Reading—Public Lands and Commons* [252]; Small Debts, &c. (Ireland)* [253].
§ Second Reading—Juries (Ireland)* [231]; Intoxicating Liquors Licences Suspension* [234]; Sunday Observance Prosecutions* [235]; Maynooth College* [243]; Metropolitan Tramways Provisional Orders Suspension* [236]; Tramways (Ireland)* [245].
§ Referred to Select Committee—Coal Mines Regulation (re-comm.)*
§ Committee—Elections (Parliamentary and Municipal) (re-comm.) [103]—R.P.
§ Committee—Report—East India (Bishops' Leave of Absence)* [237]; Owens College* [246]; Municipal Corporation Acts Amendment* [193].
§ Considered as amended—Public Libraries Act (1855) Amendment* [229].
§ Withdrawn—Debtors (Ireland) (re-comm.)* [171]; Inclosure Law Amendment (re-comm.)* [212]; Pilotage* [82]; Pharmacy* [206]; Bankruptcy (Ireland) Amendment (re-comm.)* [172]