HC Deb 15 August 1871 vol 208 cc1733-4

Order for Second Reading read.


regretted that a Bill which embodied a principle of justice should be opposed as this was. A considerable band of Gentlemen, however, were prepared to devote their unexpended energies to impede the further progress of the Bill, and he regretted, therefore, that at this period of the Session he should feel obliged to abandon it.


complained that the Government had not made a greater effort to pass the Bill, which was defeated chiefly by the opposition of Gentlemen connected with Ireland.


reminded the hon. Gentleman that the Bill did not apply to Ireland. He had watched the Bill, and was prepared to oppose it because it applied to Scotland and would have imposed a considerable and improper charge upon that country.


said, the Bill had a direct reference to Ireland, because it applied to the poor Irish population in this country. He wished, as Chairman of the Select Committee, to express his strong indignation against the course now adopted by the Government. If they had pushed the Bill with ordinary vigour they might have passed it. As it was, an unworthy triumph had been achieved by hon. Members at the expense of justice and honour. If the persons principally concerned had been any other than Catholic priests, the Government probably would not have yielded to the opposition.


thanked the Government for withdrawing the Bill.

Order discharged; Bill withdrawn.