HC Deb 14 August 1871 vol 208 cc1567-8

SUPPLY—considered in Committee—ARMY ESTIMATES.

Resolutions [August 12] reported.

WAYS AND MEANS—considered in Committee—Consolidated Fund (£22,132,036).

PUBLIC BILLS—Second Reading—Prevention of Crime* [272].

CommitteeReport — Leeward Islands* [170]; Military Manœuvres* [279]; Judicial Committee of Privy Council* [250–291].

Considered as amended—Union of Benefices Acts Amendment* [264].

Third Reading—Church Building Acts Amendment* [285]; Expiring Laws Continuance* [289]; Civil Bill Courts (Ireland)* [267], and passed.

WithdrawnBishops Resignation Act (1869) Perpetuation* [283]; Maynooth College* [243]; Municipal Corporations (Borough Funds, &c.) (re-comm.)* [242]; Irish Church Act (1869) Amendment* [244].

The House met at Three of the clock.