HC Deb 04 August 1871 vol 208 c842

gave Notice that on Monday next he would ask the First Lord of the Admiralty, If he will state the circumstances under which the "Megæra" storeship, which was being used as a troopship for economical reasons, was run on the Island of St. Paul's to save the lives of the officers and men, and to ask him if he still thinks she left England in a seaworthy condition?


I wish to submit to you, Sir, whether it is right that in the Notice just given by the hon. Baronet that should be stated as a fact of which he knows nothing whatever. It is stated in the Question of which he has given Notice, that the Megæra was sent out "for economical reasons." I shall be prepared to state fully what the facts are on every point; but I want to know whether, in the form of Question he has handed to the Clerk, he can assert as a fact that of which I must candidly say that I deny the truth?


The statement is a matter of opinion which may be established.


I understand from you, Sir, that contested matter and disputable matter ought not to be asserted categorically in a Question to be put in the House?


When a Question is brought up to the Table of the House it is subject to revision.


If the Question is informal, I am quite ready to have it altered in any way you, Sir, think proper. I am ready to make a statement and a Motion; but I do not wish to interrupt the Business of the House, although I think I have a right to complain of two right hon. Gentlemen who have alluded to my statement in terms which I think are hardly courteous.