HC Deb 03 August 1871 vol 208 c779

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether he will lay upon the Table a Return showing the number of men absent from first battalion of the 4th Regiment and second battalion of the 15th Regiment on the occasion of the recent Review at Wimbledon; ages of men absent, and length of service, and Copy of Reports, if any, addressed by the medical officers concerning their regiments, representing that a certain number of men were unfit to undergo the fatigue of the march from their quarters with their arms and accoutrements?


said, if the hon. Member would move for the Papers they should be laid on the Table.


asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether, on the occasion of the recent Review at Wimbledon, orders were not issued to the officers commanding the second battalion, 15th Regiment, that all recruits over three months' service should march with the regiment; and, whether the medical officer did not report that ninety out of ninety-six men fulfilling these conditions were physically unfit to march; and, whether that was not the reason for their being left behind with the other recruits, numbering in all over 400?


Sir, I am informed that no such order was given from the Horse Guards, and it is not known there whether any such order was given at Aldershot.