HC Deb 03 August 1871 vol 208 c768

asked, Whether Her Majesty's Government can assure the House that the measures for the abolition of Slavery in Cuba and Porto Rico, which the last Spanish Ministry had undertaken to introduce in the coming Session of the Cortes, will be taken up by the new Government; and, if not, whether the Government will be prepared to urge upon Spain the fulfilment of the Treaty obligations for the abolition of Slavery by which she is bound to Great Britain?


Sir, Her Majesty's Government have no reason to suppose that the new Government in Spain has any intention of withdrawing from the policy adopted, though not yet carried out, by the late Ministry, with reference to the abolition of the slave trade in Cuba and Porto Rico; this country has not failed, through her Representative at Madrid, to offer suggestions and encouragement in this matter in a friendly and temperate spirit; and the late elections for the Cortes are a proof that the party of Abolitionists has been numerically increased.