HC Deb 27 April 1871 vol 205 c1846

Order for Second Reading read.


, in moving that the Bill be now read the second time, explained that the 1st section extended to the country the provisions of an Act now in operation in the metropolis, in reference to stray dogs, authorizing the police to take possession of any dog found straying on the highway, not being under the control of any person, and to detain it until claimed by its owner. Should such dog wear a collar bearing an address, notice to be sent by post to such address of the fact of detention. When three clear days have elapsed, without the owner claiming the same and paying all expenses, such dog may be sold or destroyed. The 2nd section authorized the justices to order dangerous dogs to be destroyed. The 3rd section empowered the local authority, meaning in a borough the council, elsewhere, the justices assembled in Petty Sessions, on apprehending danger from mad dogs within their district, to publish an order placing such restrictions as they may think expedient on dogs being at large for such a period as they may prescribe, and for such parts of the district as may be thought proper. The hon. and learned Gentleman concluded by moving the second reading of the Bill.


thought the Bill gave powers of too arbitrary a character, which would require modification in Committee.


said, he was glad this Bill had been introduced, as there was much doubt about the law on the subject; and suggested that power of appeal should be given, not so much against the order, as the conviction by the local authority.

Bill read a second time, and committed for Thursday next.